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Our Learning Centre (LC) is our pride and joy! It is a unique and a very distinctive feature of BIS! We are proud to be one of the most inclusive schools in the country with a robust Special Education Needs section. The Learning Centre was established in 2003. We offer an inclusive education along a continuum of partial to full general classroom placement depending on the needs of each student. The school values each learner and provides opportunities for him/her to learn and grow. In all our endeavors, the focus is on the individual student and we provide the services that would benefit him/her. We aim to offer the students of the LC as inclusive a learning experience as possible. We believe that each student is different and therefore learns in a way that suits him/her the best. We are strongly committed to sensitizing the BIS community about accepting and celebrating differences.

Some of the services we offer include:
1. Accommodations during school assessments and external examinations
2. Support from a special educator in the mainstream classroom (Grades 1 to 8)
3. Subject specific remedial help
4. An individualized academic program at the LC
5. Secondary (Grade 10) and Senior Secondary (Grade 12) NIOS program
6. Speech/Language therapy
7. Occupational Therapy
8. Physiotherapy